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From Deal Sourcing to Underwriting a Deal in Durham in 10 Minutes

Why Deal Velocity Matters

In today’s rapidly changing real estate landscape, the efficiency and precision of decision-making have never been more crucial. At Archer, our AI-driven platform is designed to not only save you invaluable time but also ensure consistently higher-quality investment decisions.

The challenges of keeping costs down while finding a deal that will pencil is becoming increasing difficult. 

Here's a real-time demonstration of how Archer revolutionizes the deal evaluation process.

Spotting the Opportunity

RTP - Deal Site

Enter "Cortland at RTP" - a promising property located at 300 Seaforth Drive in the vibrant market of Raleigh Durham. Launched recently for sale by Newmark in mid-August, this property instantly caught our attention, not just for its location, but for its robust potential.

Why Cortland at RTP?

Cortland at RTP isn't just another property on the list. It showcases strong characteristics, placing it squarely in the Core-Plus to Value Add bucket - a sweet spot for discerning investors.

There are a number of things that stand out about the market.

RTP - Market

The Archer platform further highlighted this opportunity, with our renovation logic indicating untapped avenues to elevate cash flows.

RTP Deal Profile

How we Sourced and Underwrote in <10 Minutes

Connecting Custom Investment Strategies to Actionable Opportunities

Michael initially reviewed his Investment Metrics to setup for deals with the most value-add opportunity in the Moutain West and Southeast. He is then shown a map of the country with all the relevant marketed deals that he can pursue.

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Property Analytics & Locational Metrics

From there, Michael selects this opportunity, and dives into Archer's proprietary Deal Analysis pages which use predictive analytics to create custom match score, highlight risk and opportunities around the returns, and communicate and rank all relevant location dynamics that are important to the investment committee. 

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Connect to the Broker Site & Sign the CA

Now that Michael has down a quick review, he's able to click directly to the broker website to review in more detail, sign the CA< and begin to review the materials.


Kick off the Archer Accelerated Underwriting

Next, Michael clicks "Underwrite" on the deal, which takes him to the Archer's Underwriting App, where he reviews all the key attributes of the property (Units, Year Built and/or Renovated, Unit Mix and Unit SF, etc) and uploads any relevant documents like the T12 and/or the Rent Roll to be automatically parsed.

He then clicks "Run Underwriting", which kicks of the entire Archer Underwriting process that takes anywhere from 3-5 minutes to deliver a comprehensive underwrite of the opportunity.

Special Note: Archer is the only platform that can fully underwrite a deal with just an address. We also ran this property using our "predictive underwriting", and were within 2% of NOI!

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Analyzing the Rent Roll, T12 and Custom Rent, Sales, and Financial Comps

We uploaded the Rent Roll in 15 seconds and were able to get immediate analytics from the Rental Comps the platform provides.

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Automated Renovations

The platform also automatically suggested an Renovation analysis right away.

RTP - Renovations

Generate Actionable Insights 

At this point, Michael has fully completed every major step in a typical 8-hour Underwriting Process, but he did it in less than 10 minutes!

Now he would normally be able to decide to continue to pursue, discuss with his team, and/or start connecting with the broker to dig into specific questions.

RTP - Investment Summary

Archer's Michael Busenhart Weighs In

For a clearer perspective, let’s hear from Michael, an experienced acquisitions and asset management professional and head of Archer Real Estate Customer Success:

"Traditionally, without Archer, just getting to a basic model from a Rent Roll and T-12 would consume at least 2 hours. Now consider adding analytics, rent comps, and other due diligence processes; you're looking at 8+ hours of intensive work.

But with Archer's intuitive platform? A mere 10 minutes. Not just that, I delve deeper than what a standard initial underwrite would allow."

- Michael Busenhart, Archer VP of Real Estate Investment

That’s right! What used to be a day’s worth of work is now efficiently condensed into a coffee break.

The Archer Advantage

Underwriting Inefficiency

So, what makes Archer the ideal choice?

  1. Time-saving: As demonstrated, Archer’s integrated platform can save up to 90% of your usual underwriting time.
  2. Precision: With comprehensive data and analytics, Archer ensures that the decisions made are of the highest quality, every single time.
  3. Depth: While saving time, Archer doesn't skim the surface. Dive deeper into property insights and potential with just a few clicks.

In the bustling realm of real estate, every second counts. And with Archer, not only do you save these precious seconds, but you also optimize every decision you make.

Become an Archer

If time-saving and improved decision-making resonate with you, then Archer is your ally. Dive into a world where efficiency meets excellence, and let us redefine your real estate journey.

Schedule a demo here.


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